Frequently asked questions

  • Who are the customers of Spoonshot?
    Our customers include the likes of Winterbotham Darby, the #1 UK supplier of chilled Mediterranean and plant-based foods, and Primo Foods, the largest producer of ham, bacon and smallgoods in the Southern Hemisphere.

    We also work with 6 of the top 20 food & beverage manufacturers in the US but given the nature of our technology relates to innovation, often customers wish to remain anonymous.
  • What roles is the Spoonshot platform best suited for?
    Our innovation research platform is used by a wide range of innovation professionals including Product Developers, R&D Chefs, Consumer Insights, Marketing Innovation, Information Researchers, Data Scientists, and Founders.
  • What product categories do you cover?
    113 in total. Please get in touch with us to receive the product category breakdown.
  • Can you give examples of the data sources used across your diverse data sets?
    Sure, our data sets include expert communities, e.g. chef forums and scientific research papers, industry news articles, consumer news media, menus, consumer recipes, product reviews, social media, and many more.
  • Do offer a pay monthly option?
    Signing up with Spoonshot is so much more than access to our innovation research platform. We’re really your insights partner and therefore our plans and payment is on an annual basis.
  • What’s the lock-in period?
    One year.
  • What’s the notice period to end the contract?
    You can cancel the agreement anytime up to 60 days before it renews.
  • Do you offer a dedicated Account Manager?
    A dedicated Account Manager is available with the Enterprise Plan.
  • Do you offer a discount?
    We offer preferential rates for 5+ licenses.
  • Do you offer trials?
    We have a freemium tier of our platform where you can start using Spoonshot to see how easily you can level up your innovation research.
  • Still have more questions? Email
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